Low-voltage wiring disasters dBTronix cleans up.
Hall of Shame

As we meet with homeowners, builders, architects and others, we stress the importance of proper planning and integration of home automation systems. 

Low voltage wiring is one area of an installation that illustrates the difference between a poorly planed or poorly executed plan v.s. a dBTronix plan. 

Structured wiring is one of our specialties, other options may result in outcomes similar to the following photos of actual wiring debacles done by others and cleaned up by us.

Hall of Shame - low voltage wiring mess. Hall of shame - Utility closet disorganized!
Hall of Shame - structured wiring rat's nest!. Hall of shame - Wire weight stressing ports.
Hall of Shame - strung out wires!. Hall of shame - Electronic equipment in disarray!.
Hall of Shame - Disorderly hanging cables! Hall of shame - Improper wiring!
Hall of Shame -Tangled Mess Hall of shame - Wiring chaos!
Hall of Shame - Jumbled & Tangled

Check out the before & after page of these jobs once we finished with them!